The Problem

We’re all taught how to manage, avoid and ignore our periods; but here’s something even most women aren’t aware of until later in life:


‘Normal’ cycles can vary between 21 to 35 days and last 2 to 7 days.

Contraceptives, health conditions, illness, medication, pregnancy, infertility, stress, pre-& peri-menopause can all further alter a women’s cycle.

So when your period comes unannounced at work, school, or out and about, you hope that you brought your bag with you; that the spare you packed months ago hasn’t come apart; that a kind soul has left a pack in the office toilets… and that it hasn’t run out; that your friend at school packed a spare; that you’re not on a remote site – miles from a store or another woman…

This period panic costs workplaces days of productivity; and schools days of absenteeism, but more importantly: it also costs girls and women everywhere women avoidable anxiety and the need to catch up on lost time.

At For My Sisters we believe this is too big a problem to ignore and too simple a solution to turn away from. It’s time to make #periodpanic a thing of the past, by providing period products in schools, workplaces and remote worksites.